The Ultimate Business Freedom

Unlocking your Potential with Linchpin

Transform your business and take control of your life by unlocking your true potential with the game-changing 'Linchpin' concept.


Hi, I’m Phyllis, and I am honored to be on this journey with you. As a mother, a business owner, and queen of virtual assistants, I know firsthand what it takes to elevate your business and your life to the next level.

I have spent years perfecting my skills and developing systems that allow me to achieve true freedom in my business and personal life. And let me tell you, it's not always easy, but it is always worth it.

My mission is to help business owners like you do the same. I want you to experience the ultimate freedom by doing it all without doing it all that comes with leveraging virtual assistant. Together, we will create a plan that allows you to focus on the things that truly matter, both in your business and in your personal life.

Remember, it is possible to achieve your goals and create the life you desire. You can run a successful business and have plenty of time for your loved ones. Together, we will uncover your true potential and unlock the freedom you deserve. Let's do this!

Phyllis Song

Queen of Virtual Assistants

tips on how to best utilize

a virtual assistant!

  • Clearly define your needs: Before hiring a virtual assistant, make a list of tasks that you need help with. This will help you find the right person for the job.

  • Set expectations: Communicate your expectations clearly with your virtual assistant, including deadlines and how you want tasks to be completed.

  • Provide training: While a virtual assistant can be highly skilled, they may need some training on your salon's specific procedures and systems. Make sure to provide adequate training to ensure they understand your business and can work efficiently.

  • Use technology: Technology can be your best friend when working with a virtual assistant. Use tools such as project management software, online calendars, and video conferencing to stay connected and on top of tasks.

  • Build a relationship: Treat your virtual assistant as a valued member of your team.

  • Regularly check in with them and provide feedback to help them grow and improve.

Discover the Life Changing

Power of Virtual Assistant


We approach everything with love, fostering strong relationships through positivity and compassion.


Mutual respect and support earn loyalty, creating a foundation for achieving great things together.


Empowerment and encouragement of leadership development in all team members fosters an environment for doing the best work.

(214) 556-8366

Copyright © 2024 Phyllis Song. All Rights Reserved.

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